
Statement in Support - AC Transmission Proceeding

February 13, 2014

Via E-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Electronic Filing

Hon. Kathleen H. Burgess
Secretary to the Commission
New York State Public Service Commission
Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 3
Albany, New York 12223-1350

Re: Case# 13-E-0488
      In the Matter of Alternative Current Transmission Upgrades – Comparative Proceedings

Dear Secretary Bugress:

Energy Coalition New York urges the Public Service Commission to continue progress toward bolstering the state's transmission grid and supporting projects that meet identified requirements for increased transmission capability while mitigating environmental impacts, as outlined in the AC Transmission Proceeding. This is consistent with the goals of Governor Cuomo's Energy Highway Blueprint, to "fulfill the objectives of modernizing New York's statewide energy system through a wide-ranging, public-private partnership that will ensure a reliable, affordable and clean power supply to drive economic growth and meet the needs of our citizens far into the future."

Energy Coalition New York consists of New York State's major gas and electric utility companies: Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, Consolidated Edison Inc., National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation, National Grid, New York State Electric & Gas Corporation and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation. Coalition companies collectively employ more than 32,000 people, service more than 8.5 million customers and pay more than $3 billion in state and local taxes, assessments and fees. The member companies annually invest billions of dollars to make capital improvements to the electric and natural gas infrastructure located in New York State.

It is important to commence new transmission projects that will upgrade the capabilities of the  bulk power system and add value for all New Yorkers, while minimizing impacts to communities and the environment.

All the transmission projects proposed by the Energy Coalition New York members, in connection with the proposed New York Transco, that are under consideration by the Public

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment.